Martes, Abril 20, 2010


Genre: Action & Adventure
As a moviegoer, I am not hard to please. Give me a film which truthfulness by way of its storytelling I do not question and I will be a happy and feel that I have spent my money wisely.

Kick-Ass is a gem for anyone who goes to the movies to have a good time. You get a charismatic lead actor, a child prodigy for support, a balding has been in the head hair department but certainly not in acting, and a set of actors for villains who are able to solicit the perfect balance of fear and loathing from you.

The movie is not a typical super-hero film. Yeah, it has the colorful costumes, the exciting soundtrack, the breath-taking fight scenes, and the geek-turned-super hero plot. If only for these, I would recommend the film but it also offers quite a lot of things.

It has insight--a commentary on the nature of heroism visávis today's individualistic society. How right it is that the movie is set in New York. The characters are individually unforgettable, too. Kick-Ass, Red Mist, Big Daddy, and Hit-Girl. I would predict, they'll be part of geeky conversations for a long time. Lastly, I would say that Kick-Ass has a perfect blending of the various cinematic elements of sound, cinematography, and editting. I have to thank director Matthew Vaughn for this. I have forgiven him for the waste that was "Stardust" because of this.

I have read that some viewers are offended by the language, the explicit portrayal of teenage sex, and the excessive violence in this movie. In real life, I have a problem with these. In movies, however, or in any other form of legitimate art, these are not a big issue for me. If a person has enough sense not to imitate everything that one sees then why should profanity, libido, and blood in cinemas be a concern.

2 komento:

  1. Thanks for the review! I was having second thoughts about watching this. But after reading this, I think I'll go and see it. Thanks!

  2. Hey Tata! Thanks! I enjoyed it and so did my students. I hope you do too.
