Sabado, Hulyo 4, 2009

Night Watch and Day Watch

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy
Author:Serei Lukyanenko
I thank a former student, Pierre Go for my discovery of this author and his books. He was reading it in my class back in 2007-2008. I got intrigued and after shunning novels for a very long time, I got a copy of the first installment a year later.

I thought I have enough of fantasy--what with JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis, and JK Rowling (not that the two should be mentioned with the last as if they are of the same caliber)--the reason why I have not dared read any of the Twilight books. But the author gives me a glimpse of a new kind of world only literature can create plus a way of telling stories that is rare (1st person point of view). Add this to the fact that I am curious about Russia, its history, people and literature a curiosity prompted by my love of Alexander Solshenitzyn.

This series proved out to be a gem so much so that it took me two days to finish the second book. I can't wait to read the last two: Twilight Watch and the Final Watch.

If only we are given another long vacation.

2 komento:

  1. you did not spoil anything, pierre! the story telling is great to personally behold therefore knowing the story beforehand does not matter.
